Love seeing Ella and Candace getting your kind shout-outs here, Chris! Both madly, madly talented and Substack is lucky to have 'em.

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Love this round-up style, Chris! What Matthew said on "using your imagination to dream up silly and absurd things" is great. Learning to make yourself laugh out loud when no one is around might make you look crazy, but it's such an important skill. Life can be tough, you have to find a way to keep it light.

Also really liked the art with the tea/mountains/leaves... great words and neat art. Thanks for sharing!

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I did not expect that gorillas gardening would work, but I accept it all the same!

That art is pretty cool. I am going to go down that rabbit hole soon enough, I am sure.

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Thanks so much for including my art here, Chris! It's an honor to be part of this great round-up ๐Ÿ™โœจ

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You never cease to amaze me, Chris, with your energy level and your commitment to community building!

Since you invited it, if anyone would like to check out my two newsletters, one is called The Practice of Life (weekly posts on personal and collective liberation, with a contemplative twist), the other is Postcards from New Mexico (sharing the beauty of my home region!).

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